
Vegetarian food cures all diseases!
Shunsuke Funase
Hooch 80%
The Illuminati that preyed on humanity in carnivoy myths. Western food was the cause of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Animal protein is the most common cancerous substance! Prostate cancer deaths in the United States used to be 400 times higher than in Japan!

a point that fosters concentration
When you make a big mistake at work, lose a close family or an important person, or have a broken heart, you just get stunned because you don't know what to do. I can't concentrate at a time like this.
You may also lack concentration due to physical and mental fatigue. In addition, I often experience it in my daily life because I was distracted by the noise and vibration of the cars and motorcycles around me and I couldn't concentrate.
The current living environment does not allow the mind to be concentrated. In Tsubo therapy, in order not to lose to such a living environment, first physically adjust, suppress mental excitement, increase physical strength, and develop concentration.
a pot that is effective for this symptom
The heavenly pillar of the hair's hair,?The question, the hundred meeting of the head, the shoulder of the shoulder, the stomach?Medium, 闕肓, Kaikai, wrist inner seki, three shades of the 谿
- Goya
